After the registration enter Official accounts area and from the left menu click Settings and development > WeChat verification. You must complete the verification, it takes a few weeks and costs USD 99, or CNY 300 for chinese entities.
From the left menu click Settings and development > Basic configuration and copy Developer ID(App ID), Developer Password(App Secret). Paste the information into ChatBot > Settings > WeChat.
From the left menu click Settings and development > Basic configuration and complete the server configuration (服务器配置(已启用).
In Server Address(URL) enter the URL you get from ChatBot > Settings > WeChat > Synchronization > Get configuration URL. In Token insert any value you want, the same value must be entered in ChatBot > Settings > WeChat > Token.
You're done. All messages sent to
your WeChat account will appear in the conversation admin area of
More information
If you receive an error like {"errcode":41001,"errmsg":"access_token missing rid: 631111-470b3b22-48553870"} you need
to whitelist your server IP address from Official Account > Settings and Development > Basic Configuration > IP whitelist.
WeChat files and location attachments are not supported and are not received by ChatBot.
Links are not supported in WeChat, they are converted to texts.
ChatBot rich messages are automatically converted to WeChat rich messages when possible, otherwise they are removed from the message.
WeChat conversations and messages are compatible with routing and queue.
The chatbot is supported. The human takeover feature is supported.
The supported AI features include language detetction, spelling correction, multilingual via translation, Google search.
The follow-up message is supported, but the message is always sent, also if an agent replies.
The offline message is supported, but the timetable is not sent.