Built-in messages
The built-in messages are pre-programmed messages sent automatically by ChatBot.
You can find them by going to Settings > Messages.
Offline message
Notify the user when their message is
sent outside of the scheduled office hours or all agents are offline.
Text formatting is supported.
Merge fields are supported.
To learn more about the office hours option, please click here.
The offline message is sent to the same user maximum 1 time per hour.
If the chatbot's human takeover feature is activated, the offline message is only sent during human takeover.
If you or any other agent is online using Slack, the offline message will not be sent.
Privacy message
Present a privacy message accompanied by Accept and Decline buttons.
The user's approval by clicking on the Accept button is required to start using the chat.
This feature ensures privacy policy enforcement and GDPR compliance.
The privacy message is not shown if the Require registration option has been enabled.
The privacy message is also sent to
messaging channels like WhatsApp, but the user does not have the option
to approve or decline the privacy policy.
The messaging functionalities are
not blocked either.
The message is sent after the user
initiates the conversation by sending their first message.
Pop-up message
Show a pop-up notification to all users.
The popup message is always shown until the user manually closes it; then it stays closed.
Welcome message
Send a message to new users when they visit the website for the first time.
Text formatting is supported.
Merge fields are supported.
Rich messages are supported.
The welcome message is not sent to slack.
Conversations containing only the
welcome message (and no response) are automatically archived.
Follow up message
If no agents respond within the
specified time interval, a message will be sent to request the user's
details, such as their email.
Text formatting is supported.
Merge fields are supported.
If the delay is not set, a dynamic time interval is utilized and it is determined as follows:
If Settings > Miscellaneous > Office hours
is configured, and the current time falls within the defined office
hours, or if at least one agent is online,
then the delay will be set to 15
seconds. In all other cases, the delay will be set to 5 seconds.
Follow-up messages are sent a maximum of once every 24 hours.
If the user provides an email address and the newsletter feature is enabled, the email address will be subscribed.
The follow-up message is sent only to users without email address.
If the chatbot's human takeover feature is activated, the follow-up message is only sent during human takeover.
Subscribe message
If no agents respond within the
specified time interval, a message will be sent to request the user's
details, such as their email.
Text formatting is supported.
Merge fields are supported.
If the user provides an email address and the newsletter feature is enabled, the email address will be subscribed.
The subscribe message is sent only to users without email address.
If the chatbot's human takeover feature is activated, the offline message is only sent during human takeover.